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If you take a stand, if I take a stand

A voice against attacks against Hazaras in Afghanistan
Hussain Mahdavi
Sunday 23 May 2010

Reading time: 1 min (Number of words: 442)

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Dear compatriots, brothers, and sisters,

We can close our eyes and refuse to see what is happening in Behsoud, refuse to see and to hear. But the only people who cannot see this tragedy are deaf, blind, and consciously disturbed. But for us, not only our eyes are on Behsoud but Behsoud is in our eyes.

Dear brothers and sisters,

Kuchis, unparliamentarily with their historic identity and ancestral traits have equipped themselves with sophisticated weaponry. With Toyota trucks, they wander here and there aimlessly, and instead of seeking water and pasture, they seek lives and riches of the Hazaras. Instead of sheepherding, they are busy with burning, looting, and killing.
Karzai’s government is filled up to its neck with democracy and human rights. Not only have they done nothing to stop this catastrophe, but they have also agitated and equipped it.

Dear brother and sister,

Behsoud is burning in the fire of discrimination and transgression. Is it possible to turn a blind eye and ignore the blood soaked pictures? Seeing the tragedy and yet remaining quite? How can anyone remain silent to this preplanned looting and discrimination?!

Karzai and his associates are trying to support the tragedy. They are trying to excuse this tragedy to legitimize the offense and pave the way for more racial discrimination.

Dear brother and sister,

We can, yes, we can be shouts for those who are silent. We can outcry the domination of Behsoud, which is the symbol of oppression of this century. We can show the depth of this tragedy with our voices, words, colors, symbols, steps, and …

Dear brother and sister,

Arise, in the name of God and respect of wounded Behsouds’ resistance to get up and raise our voices together. Let’s get up on our feet to defend our own prestige and the prestige of human beings; wherever and whoever they are.
At this moment Behsoud is our prestige and the prestige of mankind.

Dear brother and sister,

As your younger brother; I ask you to break the silence and grab your pens. Write and draw/paint about the poorest and most oppressed people of this time. I ask you to get up on your feet and outcry the oppression of Behsoud. Protest and ….

Dear brother and sister,

Wherever you are in the world, go to the streets and protest and show your anger to this tragedy!
If you take a stand
If I take a stand
Everyone will take a stand

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So-Called Afghanistan Comprises Diverse Stateless Nations, Including the Hazara, Uzbek, Tajik, Turkmen, Pashtun/Afghan, and Nuristani With No Majority or National Identity.

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