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Hazaristan Flag: Reverse Engineering Afghan Oppression Against the Hazara

Kabul Press - News
Sunday 9 October 2022

Reading time: 1 min (Number of words: 370)

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Kabul Press?: The Hazara diaspora is holding protests globally, asking the world to take action to Stop the genocide of the Hazara, those who are native of Hazaristan, where Afghans have invaded their land since the 19th century, and the name Afghanistan appeared in the maps. The demonstrations are alongside an ongoing Twitter storm using the hashtag #StopHazaraGenocide. So far, over six million tweets are using the hashtag.
The protests are massive, and the Hazara cyberactivists and organizations could mobilize the Hazara diaspora.
However, it was not the only surprise as the Hazara protesters raised their flag of Hazaristan, the flag presented on the cover of the poetry anthology Poems for the Hazara by 125 poets from 68 countries.

Article 37 of the Hazaristan charter, released in 2021, is about the Hazaristan flag.
Article 37: Flag
a) The flag of Hazaristan is a combination of three colors, yellow, white, and blue, in order from bottom to top.
b) Yellow is the root and descent of the Hazara and from the color family of the Hazaristan mountains.
c) White is purity and truth. It is in harmony with the winter of Hazaristan. Besides yellow and blue, it is one of the most used colors in the traditional Hazara dress.
d) Blue is a symbol of work, development, and prosperity. It is the talent, ability, desire, and national concurrence of the Hazara.

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Hamburg, Worldwide Protest of the Hazara Against Genocide
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Los Angeles, Worldwide Protest of the Hazara Against Genocide


آنتولوژی شعر شاعران جهان برای هزاره
Poems for the Hazara

The Anthology of 125 Internationally Recognized Poets From 68 Countries Dedicated to the Hazara

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So-Called Afghanistan Comprises Diverse Stateless Nations, Including the Hazara, Uzbek, Tajik, Turkmen, Pashtun/Afghan, and Nuristani With No Majority or National Identity.

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