نامه سرگشاده شاعران جهان به دبیر کل سازمان ملل متحد بان کی مون، رییس کمیسیون اروپا خوزه مانوئل باروسو و رییس جمهوری ایالات متحده آمریکا باراک اوباما
زمان خواندن: 13 دقیقه (تعداد واژه ها: 3759)
تمام ترجمه هاى اين مقاله : [English] [فارسى]
با گذشت بیش از یک قرن جنایات سیستماتیک همچون نسل کشی، به بردگی گرفتن، تجاوز جنسی، جنایات جنگی و تبعیض علیه مردم هزاره، هزاره بودن همچنان در پاکستان و افغانستان جرمی آشکار محسوب می شود.
در آخرین کشتار وحشیانه مردم هزاره، در تاریخ 16 فبروری سال 2013 بیش از 300 مرد، زن و کودک در یک بمب گذاری بزرگ در شهر کویته ی پاکستان کشته و زخمی شدند. این به دنبال حمله ای مشابه بود که یک ماه پیشتر در روز 10 جنوری 2013، بیش از 100 تن از مردم هزاره در همین شهر کشته شدند.
در طی چند سال گذشته، فقط در پاکستان بیش از هزار تن از مردم بیگناه هزاره در جریان حملات مشابه تروریستی به قتل رسیده اند.
مردم هزاره امروز حتی در خاک آبایی شان افغانستان نیز از امنیت برخوردار نیستند. برای نمونه، هزاره ها همه ساله توسط کوچی های افغان که از طرف طالبان و حکومت افغانستان حمایت می شوند، به صورت فجیعی به قتل می رسند. جاده های مناطق هزاره نشین توسط طالبان مسلح مسدود شده و وسایط نقلیه آنها غارت گردیده و خودشان به قتل می رسند.
درمناطق مرکزی افغانستان که جمعیت قابل توجهی از مردم هزاره ساکن اند، آنان به حاشیه رانده شده اند و از ابتدایی ترین حقوق مشروع خویش محروم می باشند. آنان هنوزهم از یکسو زیر حملات طالبان قرار دارند و از سوی دیگر از تبعیض سازمان یافته که توسط حکومت افغانستان اعمال می شود رنج می برند. در نتیجه میلیون ها تن از مردم هزاره با هزاران دشواری مجبور به ترک وطن شان شده در کشورهای مختلف تقاضای پناهندگی می کنند. این پناهجویان در برخی موارد در این کشورها نیز با شرایط ناگواری مواجه می شوند.
مردم هزاره، به عنوان بومیان افغانستان تا پیش از قرن نوزده میلادی، حدود 67 درصد از جمعیت کشور را تشکیل می دادند. در قرن نوزدهم میلادی، مردم هزاره دوبار با قتل عام و بردگی مواجه شده اند. آنان با کوچ اجباری روبرو شده و سرزمین های شان که قسمت های جنوبی افغانستان امروزی را تشکیل می دهد، به زور از آنان گرفته شده است. در این دوره بیش از 60 درصد جمعیت هزاره ها به قتل رسیده و هزاران تن آنان به عنوان برده فروخته شد.
تاریخ افغانستان در قرن بیستم میلادی، سراسر با خون هزاره ها و تبعیض سیستماتیک علیه آنان رنگین شده است. به تاریخ 10 و 11 فبروری/فوریه سال 1993 میلادی درمنطقه افشار کابل، حکومت مجاهدین و متحدین آنان هزاران تن از زنان، مردان و کودکان بیگناه هزاره را کشته و زخمی کردند. در ماه آگوست سال 1998 میلادی، طالبان بیش از ده هزارتن از مردم هزاره را در شهر مزارشریف واقع درشمال افغانستان قتل عام نمودند. در سایر نقاط افغانستان نیز مشابه آن حمام های خون برپا شد. علاوه بر این جنایات خونین، نابود سازی فرهنگ و پیشینه تاریخی این مردم و تبلیغ تاریخ نادرست و معلومات نادقیق در مورد هزاره ها، استراتژی بعدی دشمنان این مردم بوده است.
برای نمونه، درماه مارچ/مارس سال 2001 میلادی، طالبان، پیکره های بودای بامیان را که سمبول تاریخ و فرهنگ هزاره ها و از جمله شاهکارهای پنهان میراث انسانی نیز می باشند، با رسوایی تمام منهدم ساختند. هزاره ها حداقل به مدت دو قرن از وقوع چنین جنایاتی رنج برده و تاکنون نیز با آن مواجه اند.
از این روی، ما شاعران، از کشورهای مختلف جهان، همبستگی خویش را با مردم هزاره اعلام داشته، از شما رهبران جهان می خواهیم در موارد زیر اقدامات لازم را روی دست گرفته تا امنیت و سلامت مردم هزاره و فرهنگ آنان بصورت مناسب تضمین گردد:
1- اعلام وضعیت اضطراری در مورد شرایط هزاره ها مطابق با کنوانسیون جلوگیری و مجازات نسل کشی
2- اعمال فشار دیپلوماتیک بر حکومت های افغانستان و پاکستان جهت متوقف ساختن فوری تبعیض علیه مردم هزاره و متوقف ساختن حمایت از تروریست هایی که علیه این مردم دست به خشونت می زنند
3- درخواست از کشورهای عضو کنوانسیون پناهندگان برای حمایت از پناهجویان هزاره و اعطای پناهندگی به آنان
4- تشکیل یک کمیسیون بین المللی حقیقت یاب جهت تحقیق در مورد جنایات علیه هزاره ها
5- تشکیل پرونده های جامع نسل کشی و جنایت شدید در دادگاه های بین المللی همچون دادگاه بین المللی جزایی (آی .سی. سی)
6- بیش از یک صد و پنجاه هزار سرباز بین المللی در افغانستان مستقر هستند که باید قبل از ترک افغانستان، امنیت هزاره ها را تضمین نمایند.
7- درخواست از رسانه های جهانی برای تحقیق و اطلاع رسانی در مورد فعالیت هایی که علیه مردم هزاره بويژه در افغانستان و پاکستان در جریان است.
شاعران از کشورهای مختلف جهان
امضا همراه با نام، وظیفه و کشور
1. Fernando Rendón, Poet, editor and director of International Poetry Festival of Medellin - Colombia
2. Kamran Mir Hazar, Poet, journalist and webmaster - Afghanistan/Norway
3. Lello Voce, Poet - Italy
4. Gabriel Rosenstock, Poet - Éire/ Ireland
5. Irena Matijašević, Poet - Zagreb/ Croatia
6. Pitika Ntuli, Poet, writer and sculptor - South Africa
7. Dean Hapeta aka Te Kupu, Poet and musician - Aotearoa, NZ
8. Dairena Ní Chinnéide, Poet - Ireland
9. Jack Hirschman, Poet - San Francisco in the United States
10. Agneta Falk, Poet - San Francisco in the United States
11. Janak Sapkota, Poet - Nepal
12. Boel Schenlaer, Poet - Sweden
13. Ershad Mazumder, Poet - Bangladesh
14. Alexander Gorsky, Poet, writer, journalist - Ukraine
15. William Masore, Poet - Kenya
16. K. Satchidanandan, Poet - India
17. Thór Stefánsson, Poet - Iceland
18. Hemant Divate, Poet, Editor, Publisher and Translator - Mumbai, India
19. Attila F. Balázs, Poet, editor, Publisher and Translator - Slovakia
20. AB-ART Publishing house - Bratislava, Slovakia
21. Enikoe Thiele, Poet, translator - Austria
22. Alireza Behnam, Poet and journalist - Iran
23. Mohammad Sharif Saiidi, Poet and journalist - Afghanistan/Sweden
24. Jüri Talvet, Poet - Estonia
25. Maggie Cleveland, Poet - Massachusetts, US
26. Julio Pavanetti, Poet, President of Liceo Poético de Benidorm - Uruguay/Spain
27. Angelina Llongueras, Poet, Barcelona - nowadays a member of the Revolutionary Poets Brigade in San Francisco, US
28. Amir Or, Poet and editor - Israel
29. Fahredin Shehu, Poet and Writer- Prishtina, Kosovo
30. Andrea Garbin, Poet - Mantova, Italy
31. Jean-Claude Awono, Teacher, editor and President of La Ronde des Poètes, Cameroon and Festival international de Poésie des Sept Collines de Yaoundé, Festi7 - Cameroun
32. George Grigore, Poet - Bucharest, Romania
33. Neeli Cherkovski, Poet - USA
34. J. K. Ihalainen, Poet and publisher - Finland
35. Hooman Azizi, Poet - Iran
36. Maryam Hooleh, Poet - Iran
37. Philip Hammial, Poet and sculptor - Australia
38. Rati Saxena- Poet, kritya international poetry festival - India
39. Bina Sarkar Ellias, Poet, editor, designer and publisher - Bombay/India
40. Mahmoud Abuhashhash , Poet - Palestine
41. Julia Kissina , Writer - Germany/Russia
42. Zelma White, Poet - Montserrat, B.W.I
43. Merlie Alunan, Poet, Essayist, Teacher of Literature - Philippines
44. Stanka Hrastelj, Poet and writer - Slovenia
45. Zingonia Zingone Poet - Italy
46. Erling Kittelsen, Poet - Norway
47. Tânia Tomé, Singer, Composer, Poet and Economist - Mozambique
48. Rashid Boudjedra, Poet, novelist, playwright and critic - Algeria
49. Ersi Sotiropoulos, Poet and novelist - Greece
50. Mohammad Azizi, Poet and journalist - Afghanistan
51. Emad Fouad, Poet and journalist - Egypt/ Belgium
52. Dr.Arif Ali Albayrak, Poet, Cartoonist, Painter and Music Composer - Cyprus/Turkey
53. Arturo Vázquez Sánchez, Poet - México
54. José Manuel Solá Gómez, Poet, Writer - Puerto Rico
55. Annabel Villar, Poet - Uruguay/Spain
56. Stephanos Stephanides, Poet, professor of literature - Cyprus
57. Peter Völker,Poet - Germany
58. José Francisco Mejía Ramírez, Poet and Writer - Honduras
59. Reza Heyrani, Poet - Iran
60. Hadi Hazara, Poet - Afghanistan
61. Nelly Elías de Benavente, Poet, Delegada de IALAYA – Instituto del libro Argentino y Americano - Argentina
62. Rahela Yar, Poet - Afghanistan
63. Werewere-Liking Gnepo, Poet and playwright and performer - Ivory Coast
64. Marjorie Evasco, Poet and Teacher of Literature - Philippines
65. Robert Max Steenkist, Poet, photographer and entrepeneur - Netherland/ Colombia
66. Joseph Mwantuali, Poet - Clinton, New York, USA
67. François Szabo, Poet - France
68. Gaston Bellemare D.h.c., C.M., O.Q. Président Festival International de la Poésie/ Fédération des festivals internationaux de poésie - Québec, Canada
69. Santiago B. Villafania, Poet - Philippines
70. Jacobo Rauskin, Poet - Asunción, Paraguay
71. Gertrude Fester, Poet and writer - South Africa
72. Howard Fergus, Poet - Montserrat West Indies
73. Prof.Dr.Sc. Ivan Djeparoski, Poet and philosopher - Skopje, R. Macedonia
74. Nancy Huston, Novelist and essayist - Canada
75. Elfriede Jelinek, Writer - Austria
76. Tozan Alkan, Poet and translator - Istanbul/Turkey
77. Euphrase Kezilahabi, Poet and novelist - Tanzania
78. Fernando Sabido Sánchez, Poet - Spain
79. Elyas Alavi, Poet - Afghanistan
80. Parwiz Kawa, Poet - Afghanistan
81. Dr.Homaira Nakhat Dastgirzada, Poet - Afghanistan
82. Dawood Hakimi, Poet - Afghanistan
83. Julieta Valero, Poet - Spain
84. Hatto Fischer, Philosopher, Poet und Co-ordinator of Poiein kai Prattein - Germany
85. Winston Morales Chavarro, Poet - Colombia
86. Al Hunter, Poet- Anishinaabe Nation, Canada
87. Siki Dlanga, Writer and poet - South Africa
88. Carey Lenehan, Poet and Writer for Peace - London, UK
89. Ernesto Carrión Poeta - Ecuador
90. Rira Abbasi, Poet, writer and director of International peace poetry festival - Iran
91. Mindy Zhang, Poet and translator - China-USA
92. Haroon Rahoon, Poet - Afghanistan
93. Samay Hamed, Poet - Afghanistan
94. S.Asrar Hamed Muqtader "Vesta",Poet and Reporter - Afghanestan, presently Refugee in Turkey
95. Raihan Yousef ,Poet and Reporter - Afghanestan, presently Refugee in Turkey
96. Akwasi Aidoo, Poet - USA
97. Robin Ngangom, Poet, translator, teacher - India
98. Rafael Patiño Góez, Poet and translator - Colombia
99. Sonja Harter, Poet - Vienna, Austria
100. Parvaneh Torkamani, Poet and Social Worker - United States of America
101. Fathieh Saudi, Poet - Jordan/UK
102. Bengt Bertg, Poet and publisher - Sweden
103. Sigurdur Pálsson, poet, - Iceland
104. Tamer Öncül, Poet - Nicosia/Cyprus
105. Partaw Naderi, Poet - Afghanistan
106. Zeki Ali, Poet - Cyprus
107. Leopoldo Castilla, Poeta - Argentina
108. Rachel Tzvia Back, Poet - Israel
109. Michael Augustin, Poet & Festival Director - Germany
110. Mildred K Barya, Poet - Uganda
111. Nicole Cage, Poet - Martinique
112. Hafizullah Shariati, Poet - Afghanistan
113. Abotalib Mozaffari, Poet - Afghanistan
114. Saburullah Siasang, Poet - Afghanistan
115. Nawzar Ilyas, Poet - Afghanistan
116. Sam Hamill, Poet - USA
117. Galvarino Orellana, Poet, writer and Secretary General of "Frente Cultural Bolivariano Internacional" - Chile
118. Regina Dyck, Festival Director - Bremen, Germany
119. David Huerta, Poet - Mexico
120. Veronica Murguia, novelist - Mexico
121. Gahston Saint-Fleur,Poet, Writter and Executive Director of Foundation PROCULTURA/PROKILTI - Haiti
122. Miguel Aníbal Perdomo, Poet - Dominican Republic
123. Amiri Baraka, Poet - USA
124. Amina Baraka, Poet - USA
125. Charl-Pierre Naude, Poet - South Africa
126. Dunya Mikhail, Poet - Iraq
127. Bei Dao, Poet - China
128. Agus R. Sarjono, Poet & Editor in Chief Journal of Criticism - Indonesia
129. Nuno Júdice, Poet - Portugal
130. Birgitta Jonsdottir, Poetician, Member of the Icelandic Parliament for the Movement & chairperson of the International Modern Media Institution - Iceland
131. Reza Baraheni, Novelist, poet, critic, and political activist - Iran
132. Peter Curman, Poet - Sweden
133. Lyerka Bonanno, Poeta - Venezuela
134. Grace R. Monte de Ramos, Poet - Philippines
135. Geoffrey Philp, Poet, novelist, and playwright - Jamaica, West Indies
136. BINYOU-BI-HOMB Marius Yannick, Poet - Cameroon
137. Noria Adel, Poet, writer and visual artist - Algiers, Algeria
138. Shakor Nazari, Poet, Editor, Head of Afghanistan Literature House In Kabul and Member of Afghanistan Independent Human Rights Commission - AIHRC - Afghanistan
139. Tsead Bruinja, Poet - Amsterdam, The Netherlands
140. Bernard Noël, Poet - France
141. Lic. Gerardo Paz Delgado, Poet, Secretario Nacional por Uruguay del Movimiento Internacional Poetas del Mundo. - Uruguay
142. Christian Salmon, essayist and ex director of the International Parliament of Writers, - France
143. Mark Lipman, Poet - USA
144. Chirag Bangdel, Poet, artist and writer - Nepal
145. Zolani Mkiva, Poet - South Africa
146. Elena Armenescu, Poet - Romania
147. D.M. Reyes, Poet and Literature Teacher - Philippines
148. Tom Egeland, Author and critic - Norway
149. Hildebrando Pérez Grande, Poet, Premio de Poesía Casa de las Américas - Peru
150. Rodolfo Dada, Poet - Costa Rica
151. Jean Portante, Novelist, poet, translator, journalist - Luxembourg/France
152. Gonzalo Márquez Cristo, Poeta - Colombia
153. Antonio Correa Losada, Poeta - Colombia
154. Amparo Osorio, Poeta - Colombia
155. Héctor Rosales, Poet - Uruguay/España
156. Anthony L. Tan, Poet, fictionist, essayist, and teacher of literature - Philippines
157. Myriam Montoya, Poet - Colombia/ France
158. Jim Byron, musician - USA
159. Carlos Piera, Writer - Spain
160. Camila Charry Noriega, Poet - Colombia
161. Harold Trujillo Torres, Caricaturista de opinión periódico El Espectador - Colombia
162. Lucia Ortiz Corredor, Poet - Colombia
163. Julio César Goyes Narváez, Poet - Colombia
164. Julio César Goyes Narváez, Poet/ IECO-Instituto de Estudios en Comunicación y Cultura/ Universidad Nacional de Colombia - Colombia
165. Alonso Sáenz M., Promotor de Lectura - Colombia
166. Carmen Calatayud, Poet and nonfiction writer - USA
167. Eduardo Emilio Esparza, Artista Plastico - Colombia
168. Canéla A. Jaramillo, Poet, Author, Editor - United States
169. Claribel Alegría, Poet, essayist, novelist, and journalist - Nicaragua
170. Jill Schoolman, Publisher - USA
171. Marco Antonio Campos, Poet - Mexico
172. Marion Bethel, Poet - Bahamas
173. Eleonora Parachini, Artista, - Colombia
174. Juan Carlos Mestre, Poet and writer - Spain
175. Ostap Nožak, writer and translator - Ukraine
176. Stephane Chaumet, Poet - France
177. Lic. Gerardo Paz Delgado, Poet, Secretario Nacional por Uruguay del Movimiento Internacional Poetas del Mundo. - Uruguay
178. Julian Hector Gutierrez, Poet and writer - Colombia
179. Francisco Sánchez Jiménez, Writer - Colombia
180. Fredy Yezzed, Writer - Colombia/ Argentina
181. Eusebio Sánchez Clavijo, Writer - Colombia
182. Jose Yezid Morales, Poet and Painter - Colombia
183. Helena Iriarte, Novelista y profesora universitaria de literatura - Colombia
184. Paul Disnrad, Poet - Colombia/ Serbia
185. Paul Dutton, Poet, Fiction Writer, Essayist and Musician - Canada
186. Coral Bracho, Poeta - México
187. Fanny Moreno Ospina, poeta - colombiana
188. Martha Ennix, Artista plástica - colombiana
189. Víctor López Rache Poeta y ensayista - Colombia
190. María LeMarie, Writer and painter - Colombia
191. Bassem Al Meraiby, Poet - Iraq- Sweden
192. Manuel Pachón, Poeta y Maestro - Colombiano
193. Maruja Vieira, Poet and journalist - Colombia
194. Juan Carlos Acevedo Ramos, Poet - Colombia
195. Roberta J. Hill, poet and writer, - Oneida - Madison, Wisconsin in the U. S.
196. Dieudonné Ewomsan, Poet - Togo
197. Carlos Fajardo Fajardo, Poet - Colombia
198. Qassim Haddad, Poet - Bahrain
199. Neeli Cherkovski, Poet - USA
200. Fabio Martinez, Escritor - Colombia
201. Morela Maneiro, Poet - Venezuela
202. Sayed Hegab, Poet - Egypt
203. Zoran Anchevski, poet, translator, professor of literature - Macedonia
204. Liv Lundberg, Poet, Writer, Professor - Norway
205. Pia Tafdrup, Poet and Writer - Denmark
206. Micere Githae Mugo , Poet, Playwright, Scholar and Activist - Kenya
207. Angye Gaona, Poeta - Colombia
208. Allison Hedge Coke, Poet and writer - US
209. Matthew Shenoda, Poet - USA/Egypt
210. Chiqui Vicioso, Poet - Dominican Republic
211. Aref Pejman, Poet, Author, and Associate Professor - Afghanistan
212. Fredy Chikangana, Poeta y Escritor Quechua Yanakuna Mitmak - Colombia
213. Ramiz Rovshan, Poet and writer - Azerbaijan
214. Liam Ó Muirthile, Poet - Ireland
215. Nguyen Quang Thieu, Poet - Vietnam
216. Andrei Khadanovich, Poet - Belarus
217. Alberto Nessi, poeta e scrittore - Switzerland
218. Hermes Vargas. Poeta - Spain
219. Chris Abani, Poet and writer - Nigeria/USA
220. Abdourahman WABERI, Poet - Djibouti
221. Beppe Costa, poet, novelist and publisher - Italy
222. Stefania Battistella, Poet - Italy
223. Senem Gökel, Poet, researcher, instructor - Cyprus
224. Ingrid Wickström, Poet and translater - Sweden
225. Priya Sarukkai Chabria, Poet, writer and translator - India
226. Homero Aridjis, Poet and novelist, President Emeritus of PEN International - Mexico
227. Gemino H. Abad, Poet, professor emeritus of literature and creative writing - Philippines
228. Vasyl Makhno, Poet - Ukraine/USA
229. Vincent O’Sullivan, Poet - New Zealand
230. Joy Harjo, Poet and musician - Mvskoke Nation, USA
231. Gioconda Belli, Poet and novelist - Nicaragua
232. Francisco de Asís Fernández, Poet and President of the International Poetry Festival, Nicaragua - Nicaragua
233. Gloria Gabuardi, Poet - Nicaragua
234. Alexandra Büchler, Director of Literature Across Frontiers - Czech Republic/UK
235. Nora Atalla, poète, romancière et nouvelliste - Québec, Canada
236. Moya Cannon, Poet - Irland
237. Michèle Blanchet, poète de Québec - Canada
238. Nyein Way, Poet, Performance artist and educator - Myanmar
239. Max.N.RIPPON poet - Marie-Galante, Guadeloupe
240. Omar Pérez, Poet, writer and translator - Cuba
241. Jared Angira, Poet - Kenya
242. Rashidah Ismaili, Poet - Benin
243. Raquel Chalfi, Poet and writer - Israel
244. Blanca Andreu, Poet - Spain
245. Michaël Glück, Poet - France
246. Stefaan van den Bremt, Poet and Honorary chairman of PEN FLANDERS - Flanders, Belgium
247. Jan Owen, Writer - Australia
248. Vyacheslav Kupriyanov, Poet - Russia
249. Geneviève Morin, Poet - Québec, Canada
250. Yiorgos Chouliaras, Poet - Greece
251. Quito Nicolaas, Writer/Poet - The Netherlands
252. Simón Zavala Guzmán, Poeta y ensayista - Ecuador
253. Timo Berger, Poet and publisher - Germany
254. Ceaití Ní Bheildiúin, Poet - Ireland
255. Jean Clarence Lambert, Poet, translator, essayist and art critic - France
256. Antonio Preciado, Poet - Ecuador
257. Manal Al-Sheikh, Poet and writer - Iraq/ Norway
258. Yasin Khamosh, Poet and journalist - Afghanistan
259. Valeriu Stancu, Poet, novelist and translator - Romania
260. Aju Mukhopadhyay, Poet, essayist, feature and fiction writer - India
261. GILMA DE LOS RÍOS TOBÓN, Poeta y periodista - Colombia
262. Breyten Breytenbach, Poet - South Africa / France
263. John Hegley, Poet - England
264. Latif Nazemi, Poet - Afghanistan
265. Carolina Escobar Sarti, Poet - Guatemala
266. Raphael Urweider, Poet and President of the Swiss writers association - AdS
267. Andrei Khadanovich, Poet - Belarus
268. Igor Ursenco, Escritor, Ensayista, Traductor Freelance - Republica de Moldavia / Rumania
269. Henry Braun, Poet - Weld, Maine, USA
270. Edvino Ugolini, Poet and activist for human rights net of artists against war and President of associazione interculturale penombre - Trieste, Italy
271. Mairym Cruz-Bernal, Poet - Puerto Rico
272. Len Anderson, Poet - Santa Cruz, California, USA
273. Rassool Jibraeel Snyman, Poet - South Africa
274. Madeline Millán, poet - Puerto Rico/New York City
275. Hilde Susan Jaegtnes, poet and screenwriter - Norway
276. Ngwatilo Mawiyoo, Poet & Performing Artist - Kenya
277. David Howard, Poet - Aotearoa/New Zealand
278. Juan Cameron, Poet - Chile
279. Salim REGAMI, Poet - Algeria
280. Maya Trace Borhani, Poet & Educator - USA/Canada
281. Iryna Vikyrchak, poet, director of the International Poetry Festival Meridian - Czernowitz, Ukraine
282. Séamas Cain, Poet and playwright - Northern Ireland/ USA
283. Jan Erik Vold, Poet , writer, translator - Norway
284. Rosemary Stanfield-Johnson, Poet - USA
285. Shirin Aitmatova, Poet and Member of Kyrgyz Parliament - Kyrgyzstan
286. Roza Aitmatova, Journalist, writer and political analyzer - Kyrgyzstan
287. Cholpon Jakupova, Wrtiter and women defender - Kyrgyzstan
288. Djumanaliev Tuncholot Dadyevich, writer, dean of “ National University Of Kyrgyzstan” Philosophy Professor - Kyrgyzstan
289. Selbi Jumayeva, Writer, Poet and Women rights defender - Kyrgyzstan
290. Marat Usmanov, Poet, Philosophy Professor at AUCA - Kyrgyzstan
291. Adamkulova Chinara, “Dean of Kyrgyz-European faculty of Kyrgyz National University” Women Rights defender and Poet - Kyrgyzstan
292. Andrew Wachtel, Poet, Writer, Dean of AUCA in Kyrgyzstan - Kyrgyzstan
293. Isabel Gómez, Poeta - Chile
294. Magda Carneci, Poet and president of the Romanian PEN - poet, Romania
295. Áine Moynihan, poet and actor - Ireland
296. Thomas Harris, Writer - USA
297. Luisa Vicioso Sánchez, Poet and women and children rights activist - Dominican Republic
298. Muhsin Al-Ramli, Poet and writer - Iraq
299. Heiko Strunk, Poet and poetry website co-ordinator - Germany
300. Carmen Berenguer, Poet - Chile
301. Enrique Hernández-D’Jesús, Poeta y fotógrafo - Venezuela
302. Vicente Rodríguez Nietzsche, Poet - Puerto Rico
303. Ban’ya Natsuishi, Haiku poet - Japan
304. Joe Richey, Poet - USA
305. Teresa Colom, Poet - Andorra
306. Christina Pacosz, Poet - USA
307. Francesca Randazzo, Poet and Sociologist - Honduras/Spain
308. Sainkho Namtchylak, Singer and poet - Siberia/ Austria
309. Menna Elfyn, Poet, playwright and Director of Creative Writing University of Wales Trinity Saint David - Wales/ United Kingdom
310. Jack Mapanje, Poet and linguist - Malawi/UK
311. Mohammad Vaezi, Poet and journalist - Afghanistan
312. Jessie Kleemann, Poet, performance artist, writer, cultural consultant - Greenland/Denmark
Unpublished poets:
313. Mir Hussain Mahdavi, Exiled freelance writer and poet - Afghanistan
314. Basi Gol Sharifi, Poet - Afghanistan
315. Leila Malekmohammadi, Poet and journalist - Iran/ Norway
316. Sultan Haidari, Journalist and poet - Afghanistan
317. Ali Hazara, Poet and movie maker - Afghanistan
318. Hossein Pooya, Poet - Afghanistan
319. Sakhi dad Hatef, Poet - Afghanistan
320. Maryam Turkmani, Poet - Afghanistan
321. Razi Mohebi, Poet and movie maker - Afghanistan
322. Fereshta Ziai, Poet, pedagog and youth mentor - Afghanistan/Sweden
323. Laila Haidari, Poet and director of Life is Beautiful Organization - Afghanistan
324. Zalmay Kave, Poet - Afghanistan
325. Ruhullah Vaezi, Poet - Afghanistan
1: Copy to International Media
2: For more information contact Kamran Mir Hazar at email: kamran@kamranmirhazar.com
Skype: kamran.mir.hazar
Facebook: www.facebook.com/KamranPoetry
Countries: Colombia, Norway, Ireland, Ireland, Croatia, South Africa, NZ, United States, Nepal, Sweden, Bangladesh, Ukraine, Kenya, India, Slovakia, Austria, Iran, Sweden, Estonia, Spain, Uruguay, Israel, Kosovo, Cameroun, Romania, Finland, Australia, Palestine, Russia, Germany, B.W.I, Philippines, Mozambique, Algeria, Greece, Afghanistan, Belgium, Egypt, Turkey, Cyprus, México, Puerto Rico, Honduras, Argentina, Ivory Coast, France, Canada, Paraguay, West Indies, Macedonia, Tanzania, UK, Ecuador, China, Uganda, Martinique, Chile, Mexico, Haiti, Dominican Republic, Iraq, Indonesia, Portugal, Iceland, The Netherlands, Peru, Costa Rica, Nicaragua, Bahamas, Ukraine, Argentina, Serbia, Togo, Bahrain, Venezuela, Macedonia, Denmark, Kenya, Dominican Republic, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Switzerland, Nigeria, Djibouti, Czech Republic, Myanmar, Cuba, Vietnam, Kyrgyzstan, Japan, Andorra, Malawi and Greenland.